Hello, this is IT Center Blog.
Company news from the first hand: everything that happened in IT Center yesterday, the day before yesterday and last Thursday. All publications are cleaned from white noise and synchronized with RSS feed.
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IT Center is 10 years old. Results and future plans.
Today we celebrate the tenth anniversary of IT Center. In IT industry it's common to summarize with the help of statistical reports. Let's start!
10 years of IT Center are:
- IT Center Cloud, which was built from scratch,
- two datacenters,
- three offices,
- 6 new disks in a disk array,
- 67th posta in IT Center blog (today will be the 68th),
- 1552 applications in the helpdesk database
, - customers from six European countries, and a good half of them have been working with us for more than seven years,
- zero copywriters, marketers and office managers and no voice menu if you call
7-495-120-0-129 .
During these ten years we have relied on vendors of world-famous equipment, software of the same class and engineers who can squeeze the maximum out of the IT infrastructure.
We intend not to change our principles in the future.
However a birthday is not only a reason for summarizing, but also the opportunity to greet all the IT Center customers. Thank you for trusting us in your business! Keep in touch.